
Tuesday, June 12, 2012


This is the best stuff in the world. Hands down. I am not ashamed (ok, maybe a little ashamed) that I ate nearly half of it over the course of the evening.

What is it??

Rhubarb Crisp.

I love rhubarb. It's in the blood. It's kind of like a family tradition to love rhubarb. Rhubarb pie, Rhubarb Jam, Rhubarb get the idea. Nom. Nom. Nom.

Well, tragedy struck at my mom's house this year when her rhubarb plants died off. That's pretty impressive since it's a hard plant to kill, but they were gone. Many sad faces were made. Just what was I going to put on my pancakes for the rest of the year?

When I found out a family friend had some to spare, I jumped on it. One huge bag was not enough according to my mother when I gleefully delivered it. We would need more. Back to the plants I went. All in all, I think I gathered 16 to 20 cups worth.

First order of business was jam. This has become a special "Mama and Me" type project for me and my mom every year. We just always end up doing at least a batch together. Lily gets in on it sometimes and we have a blast. My husband salivates at the idea of a new stock of it because we never have enough to last from one jam making to the next.

Anyway, I took home enough to try a rhubarb crisp recipe Mom had stashed away. It was AMAZING. Simple too, which always is a good thing. I may have to track down more rhubarb and freeze it just so I can make this dessert again one or two more times. I tell myself it'd make an awesome breakfast.

Since I'm in such a residual rhubarb haze and want the world to share it, I'm posting the recipe.

Rhubarb Crisp, aka BLISS (that aka is my addition!)

In a 9x13 pan layer:
4 cups washed and chopped rhubarb
3/4 cup sugar
1 small package strawberry jello
1 package white cake mix
sprinkle with salt

2 cups warm water
2 cubes melted butter or margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla

Pour over other ingredients, bake one hour at 350 degrees.

That's it. I halved the recipe and put it (barely) into two pie tins because I stupidly decided to share it with my sister. Not enough for me! Haha! I have also heard that raspberry jello is pretty awesome too.

If you make it, please let me know! I would love to know how it turned out and hear your agreements with me that it is possibly the best tasting yummy of all yummy-ness in the world. Credit for the recipe goes to my mom who got it from one of her friends who got it from who knows where. :) If you want the recipe for the jam, too bad. That's a family secret! I might be willing to trade for more rhubarb though....

I've linked this post to...

Tip Junkie handmade projects   Somewhat Simple

1 comment:

  1. So gooooooood! I ate 3/4 of the one you made us!


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