
Thursday, October 24, 2013

My little feature!

Craft Frenzy Friday

My little (crocheted) ponies project was featured! Check it out at Craft Dictator!

(I got buried under homework again, can you tell?) 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

PONY (pizza princess) PARTY: the final three

So, as I should have anticipated, the last three ponies were a mad dash rush. School seems to be pouring out homework and exams and papers and certification exams... so I was crocheting around all of that while trying to remember important things like bath time, dinner time, laundry time, and snuggle time. Being a mom is tough! Being a school attending mom of two who is working on her teaching certification and with a compulsion to crochet awesome gifts (and blog about it!) makes for one extremely busy schedule.  So, I'll apologize for my lack of blogging/FB updating/emailing lately. I also can't express how much your well wishes on FB as I was taking the ginormous tests for my teaching certification meant to me. You helped me pass! Really!

Now on to the moment I've been promising.... PONY PARTY EXTRAVAGANZA!

To read about Pony Party Part 1: Rainbow Dash, click here.
To read about Pony Party Part 2: Fluttershy, click here.
To read about Pony Party Part 3, AppleJack, click here.

Pony number four was Twilight Sparkle. This was no regular Twilight Sparkle, she had to be an alicorn. For you non-MLP people (is it alright if I come stay with you for awhile?) that means a pony who is both pegasus and unicorn. It's a big deal. There was much screaming and joy jumping at my house when Twilight Sparkle became an alicorn.

Cute, right? You can't see her wings very well in this picture, but I promise you, they were much appreciated by Lilster.

Pinkie Pie fought me. Every. step. of. the. way. First, the original colors of yarn were not quite right. Found and bought new yarn, didn't realize the weight was off. So Pinkie's a bit smaller than the others. She also looked like a deer without hair. Not even kidding a little bit. I had lost my camera right before I finished Twilight, so I couldn't take any pictures. At least I know I can crochet Bambi if need be.

Despite the Pinkie drama, she turned out to be so sweet and cuddly. Her hair is so much twirly fun!

I need to pause and set the stage here for a moment...Picture this....

It's the night before Lily's birthday party, which was actually the day before her birthday. Constant questions all day long had made their way out of my extremely excited daughter. The one that caused my heart to pound with anxiousness was, "Mom, can you give me your present at my party?" This meant that Pinkie and Rarity had to be completed in less than 24 hours. Less than 24 hours....

I stayed up really late, finished Pinkie, woke up, headed to the local cafe to sit and crochet Rarity.

If you look closely, you'll see Rarity is missing something. Can you tell what it is? Hmm?

If you guessed ears, you'd be right on the money. I was crocheting right up until 11:30 at which point I had to rush home, wrap without getting caught, and away we went to the museum/pizza/squeal-fest that was my daughter's birthday (more on that in another post!) and it wasn't until I was wrapping her that I started using words I don't allow my daughters to use as I realized Rarity was actually incomplete.

Oh well!

Lily L-O-V-E-D these. Best birthday present ever. She won't put them down. I have even had to stop her from taking them to school where they would be confiscated. She picks one each night to sleep with. She talks about how I need to make their cutie marks and their elements of friendship. Oh, and could I please, please please crochet Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and Dr. Whooves and Shining Armor and......

Long, long story short: I'm pretty much the best mom ever. I can drag out this gift forever as I am virtually unlimited in the number of ponies I could make. I'm also exhausted. :) 

Pattern info: visit acrylicsheep on Etsy or Ravelry for the pattern I used to make all of these delightful ponies!

I have linked this post to: Hooking on Hump Day and Craft Frenzy Friday!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Random Roundup: Crochet Christmas ideas

I've lost my camera... it's gone to hide somewhere and I feel like I'm missing an arm... or at the very least several important fingers. The loss of my dear friend also means I can't post pictures of my latest completed pony, Twilight Sparkle... so you'll just have to be patient and wait! (Unlike me....)

Since I can't share any of my own pictures with you, I've decided to do a random roundup of the things I want to crochet after I've left Ponyville. Mostly, I need a mental break from ponies. Whew, this project turned out to be bigger than I thought. I have two days and two ponies left to finish. Send some happy, productive thoughts my way ok?

These are all ideas that may end up on my Crochet Christmas list. I'm seriously wondering when I'm going to get everything done, but after the month of a million scarves last November and December, I'm hoping I can find the inner madness to complete everything I hope to do. 

First off, I believe I posted this on the Facebook page, but it's so pretty!

The Green Dragonfly has created this delightfully colorful case for her iPad and I just love it. She even took the time to sew a lining and a zipper. Impressive to me, because I usually get done hooking and can't wait to try my latest creation out. She includes the tutorial on how to join squares as you go... a process which actually makes sense to me now. I love that I could use all my bright little bits left over from ponies to make this for my own tablet (hey I need presents too!) or as a Christmas gift  for a family member or two.

Repeat Crafter Me posted this absolutely adorable hat pattern and even though it's really close to all the pony craziness going on at my house right now, I think this would be too cute on Lily with all her happy little crocheted ponies. Maybe closer to Christmas, after I've forgotten my current tiredness of anything equine related. Gah! The cuteness!

Doily crochet has always kind of scared me... but I have been falling in love with a few of the rugs I have seen lately. Craft Passion has a great explanation and tutorial which makes it look pretty easy. I know one or two people on my list who have homes and floors that are begging for these happy rugs. We'll see if I can drum up the courage to try it!

For the Sage monster in my life, I'm thinking she may just get her very first tea set. This has been an idea "brewing" in my head for awhile and I found a great pattern at A[mi]dorable Crochet which might do the trick. Chances are I'll be moving from Ponyville to Teatime. I mean, crochet cookies? How could I possibly resist? There's also a few gorgeous dolls over there that may make it on the list too.

Finally, the last post isn't technically a Christmas gift idea, but it's beautiful, amazing, and stunning all the same. I've mentioned Lucy at Attic 24 over and over because I'm slightly (ok, more than slightly) in awe of her yarn and hook talent. She recently particpated in a yarn bomb and helped collect granny triangles to make bunting for a convention. There were more than 6,000 triangles from over 30 countries!!!

You should really read her post here about the bunting to see the time and effort she put into the project. I'm just a teensy sad I missed out on contributing! Something for next time, perhaps. It was an absolute inspiration and has got me thinking about how I can use my own yarn addiction to do something positive.

Hopefully I'll find my camera soon and I can show you what I'm up to!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

FINALLY. It's SCARF season!

I can't help but love a fabulous scarf. Fall is my favorite season just because it means I can wear scarves...well and pumpkin everything, but that's a story for another day. It's finally cooling down here in Idaho. We have a week or two of fall and then the endless winter that always gets me slightly grumpy. I have more scarves than I have shoes. The beginning of the season meant I had a reason to take a break from Ponyville and make myself a new addition to my collection.

I found this gorgeous yarn awhile back and fell in love with it. I'm not going to lie, half of the love comes from the name of the colorway: Parrot! There is absolutely no way to accurately photograph the colors of this yarn. It's stunning. Pinks and reds and blues and greens that fade flawlessly. It's roving yarn too, which I love. So cuddly soft. I wanted something different than what I've done in the past. Don't get me wrong, I love a good infinity scarf or a traditional scarf, but it was time for something new. Something with fringe.

I found what I was looking for after surfing Ravelry for a bit longer than I care to admit. That place can be worse than pinterest for me. I'm not even kidding a little bit. Hours can be wasted surfing patterns. Yarn holds a special place in my heart, but all the lovely patterns people create leave me deliriously happy. I'll never get around to writing any original patterns because I always get sidetracked. This pattern from Cortney Young is called the Easy Triangle Fringe Scarf and Shawl.

Easy was exactly right. I needed a break from ponies where I didn't have to count stitch after stitch. Just mindless relaxing with hook and yarn. The scarf itself took less time than adding all the fringe. Of course, the fringe is what makes it so fun! This really is more of a shawl than a scarf, but the yarn is light enough it can be worn lots of ways. I feel like I have a warm and comfy blanket on when I wear it. I really can not express how much I love this thing.

I'm all snug and wrapped up as I write this and my motivation is back to finish the ponies that are going to be the highlight of my daughter's birthday in (gah!) 8 days. I am in a perfect autumn mood now. Bring on the pumpkin lattes and pumpkin bread and everything else pumpkin that I can get my hands on. Happy Fall!

Also, I've finally gotten around to actually setting up an account on Ravelry. If you'd like to see what projects I'm working on (because there is always more than one) come find me!

I've linked this post to: Link Party Palooza Hooking on Hump Day Crafting Along Craftionary Show Off Friday Obsessive and Creative Show and Tell Saturday
Inspiration Gallery